Biyernes, Hulyo 28, 2017

“Slander in an Allow'd Fool: Twelfth Night's Crisis of the Aristocracy"

Shakespeare's plays are legends of literature. His plays were being performed to various groups of audience from different ranks or social classes, thus diverging based on people’s capacity to comprehend. Shakespeare's plays have turned out to be a symbol of society, culture and teaching. Like the play Twelfth Night who represented many classes of people in the society conniving their individual roles to the play to be more intriguing, refined and sophisticated.

Karin Coddon’s “Slander in an Allow'd Fool: Twelfth Night's Crisis of the Aristocracy” conveys about how the comedy play of Shakespeare intensifies the discrimination or isolation flanked between man and woman, master and servant, as well as aristocrats and the lower class of men. The author also focuses on the play’s inequitable and unmerited rulings with such disarray.

Aristocracy, as we all know, is the class of people grasping incomparable position and civil liberties, principally the inherited decency. More often than not, an aristocrat gets this social rank through hereditary advantages or merits.

Moreover, the author suggests that Twelfth Night should underpin different kinds of social manifestation rather than aristocracy or anti-court principles. The older forms of aristocracy that Shakespeare frequently writes about despise the spiritual and political totalitarianism and materialism of its enthusiasts in the society. These are all present in Twelfth Night according to Coddon, more specifically the scenes where Malvolio, in actual fact, wants to court or pursue Olivia.

Coddon used the older studies of Krieger and Weimann as regards to the classes of people that are represented by each character in the play. For instance, Draper is, to a certain extent, vicious with reference to Malvolio and Maria as paradigms of their social class.

Works Cited
Coddon, Karin S. “Slander in an Allow'd Fool: Twelfth Night's Crisis of the Aristocracy.” Rice University. Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, Vol. 33, No. 2, Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama (Spring, 1993), pp. 309-325

Lunes, Hulyo 24, 2017

The Autonomy of Affect

The political theorist and a prominent affect philosopher in the contemporary world, Brian Massumi, relates a story with reference to President Reagan. He was known by everyone as the Great Communicator. He was seen as unfathomable by those patients who are suffering with global aphasia and tonal agnosia. Those who have global aphasia could not barely comprehend with words, thus they are just using body language to understand each other. On the other hand, those patients with tonal agnosia could not grasp tone or any pitch that they hear; they are just relying on its grammatical structure and logical thinking.

Astoundingly, both groups of patients have found President Reagan to be a meager presenter who was unsuccessful to influence his listeners. But according to Massumi, Ronald Reagan is as effective as he is being regarded by other people who might have been listening to him when he speaks. As for Massumi, Reagan was an affective speaker. He characterized Reagan’s accomplishments in politics to his capacity to generate philosophical effects by means of non-ideological way that were affective.

Furthermore, the article gave emphasis to the importance of our body’s way of communicating and relating to other people. Massumi depicted this as a peripheral starting place in order for human beings to give a perception on what they think about our world. It is mainly a demonstration beyond belief and a set of restrictions and boundaries which transpire in people’s consciousness and ability to realize what was really important to them in this world.

True enough that the power of affect is mainly connected with politics. It instantaneously put forward a political intention mindfully looking over the conception of people’s open- mindedness or acceptance to the intense impact of the power to affect as well as the factor in which a person is being intensity. This intensity gives details as to why affect theory can every so often expedite what can be the effect of an affect. Affect can also be categorized as a cluster of intensities or emotions converging and joining each other in order to observe and explain how an emotion can affect every people who have seen and felt the latter

Hence, the term Affect engrossed on how the world is able to accept as well as to adapt to changes that are constantly happening in every second of a lifetime. The power or force that comes to pass from real passages and intensity can be the result of our connection to ourselves, our beliefs, the people we are interacting with and the coercion we are experiencing from within us. 

To sum up, affect is the coming out and the materialization of definite and genuine associations and the fall back hooked on implicit relations. There were different kinds of affection that can be related to emotion and this is because many of us cannot comprehend well by just having one intense feeling on something or someone we experience, rather we are full of notions that we are dealing in terms of our sentiments as human beings.

In conclusion, Brian Massumi’s explanation on affect is that the varying ability of our body to play a part and be included in the world. But nothing is constant but change. That is why our body has the capacity to shift or transform this power of affect to become a changing movement in one’s existence.

Works Cited
Massumi, B. “Cultural Critique: The Autonomy of Affect.” University of Minnesota Press. 1995

Biyernes, Hulyo 21, 2017

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Culture is very important to families who have strong bond or ties. Culture is critical in knowing and attending to the needs of a person. This can also affect the actions of a person when circumstances arise to an extent that he or she did not expect to happen or encounter. The movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding is about a woman who fell in love with a person that does not fit the requirements and preferences of her father in terms of an ideal man that he wants his daughter to marry and have a family with. He wants his daughter to marry a Greek man just like them because of their Greek family’s cultural upholding. Because of such conflict, the woman is confused on whether she has to follow her father’s desire in her own marriage or she should just let herself be happy with the person she wanted to be with regardless of differences in culture and personalities.

In perspective, the movie portrays how a person tends to get influenced or inclined by his or her family and the cultural upbringing that she used to subsist with. It depicts an identification of how culture influences a person’s deeds, outlook, inclination, and decisions in life. Hence, the movie gives an illustration on how significant it is to determine and resolve such conflicts concerning family heritage and cultural norms. It should give us learning that cultural differences should not affect how we interact with other people. We should learn to accept everyone who comes into our lives so that we can appreciate their worth and their identity regardless of our differences in culture and tradition.

Furthermore, the movie depicts how culture persuades consumer behavior and having a considerable outcome or end result on consumer buying decisions. Consumer behavior is profoundly influenced by means of cultural aspects and differences between countries, nationalities, religion, racial groups among others. In essence, culture is an element of the society that can convince people on how to act, how to interact and communicate with other people and how to decide or choose upon their buying decision. The decision people make will identify the factors that can influence them in their decisions in life and their choices in terms of their acquisition of goods and services.

Consumer behavior is also influenced or persuaded by some family members who have the authority or say among the other members of the family unit. In reality, when deciding on what and where to buy or obtain goods in the market, consumers come to a decision based on ethical criteria like race, educational attainment, social rank, profession or livelihood, and religious association.

Just like the protagonist in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the woman represents the consumers who are puzzled in choosing what really matters to them and on what things they will be satisfied or pleased about. Indeed, cultural norms and differences of beliefs of people bring about the conflict in the choices of consumers on whether they need to follow to the norm or pursue their decision based upon their personal preferences or lifestyle. What matters most is how we give respect to other people who have different views and beliefs and on how we would take this differences positively without destructing or hurting other people’s conviction and principles in life.

Biyernes, Hulyo 14, 2017

Deep Cuts

Appreciating a work of art is no different from staring at a beautiful scenery, an amazing red rose, or a majestic sunset. Easier said than done, do we really know how to appreciate the things in front of us? Same with art - there are a lot to see, identify and understand.

For me, it’s so much easier to appreciate the art that I used to know, see, feel and relate to. But, there is really a challenge of appreciating the art that is more difficult to understand and has different aspects to vouch on. It’s really hard to relate on something that you’re not quite interested in. It’ll be a pain in the ass, however, I know for sure that it’ll be worthwhile.

The best art I can relate to is music. If you have not yet experience to attend and listen to a music concert, then you’re totally missing out. Since it’s easier for me to understand and appreciate it, I can give always give details and personal experiences that are close to my heart. And as an added fact, listening to music alone can reduce stress and anxiety. It can also help me concentrate and have a peace of mind just by having it beside me every time.

Apparently, the pleasure provided by music challenges our permissive view of the bigger world ahead of us and the knowledge we got from our own experiences in life. Listening to music can be a start of something new for us. We can aspire to become musicians or instrument players, we can be like the directors and composers behind the scenes or we can just settle in being an aficionado of music in general.