Sabado, Hulyo 26, 2014

First Cut is the Deepest

Bluer than blue. Sadder than sad. How long will I have to endure the throbbing you’ve caused me? It was so disheartening to know that I wasn’t enough, or should I say, you’d just gone enough of me. Perhaps, it was my fault in the first place. I was the one who pushed this through, not knowing that I was left fighting and skirmishing alone. You could have told me to go before starting this mess. You should have said no the very first time you had the chance to. Why did you have to leave me hanging in pain without trying to explain everything that happened? You made me believe in lies, you made me learn to love you and hate you at the same time. But nevertheless, you made me find out and discover my strengths and the lessons I have to deal with. After all, here’s to you for making me who I am now, for having me realize how blessed I am with all the people I am left with, for teaching me to pummel it down. And as one of my favorite songs speaks out, “I want you to know that I thank you, for everything that you put me through. Yes I know it sounds funny but thank you. Now, there’s nothing left for me to do but to walk away. Walk away from all this.” </3

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